Name: Rshi
Age: Any age can be depicted
Height: 6'5"
Hair: Curly/springy, dark brown or black
Eyes: Gold

About: Rshi might call himself a pilgrim. He isn't really specifically religious, though. He just likes having an excuse to wander around as a general vagrant or traveler. He plays his instrument (which is based on the african akontig), plays songs and busks, and does his best to avoid confrontations. He's a nice guy, very gentle and giving in nature. Kinda lazy. Smokes a lot of "generic fantasy herb". He came from a remote tribe in the desert, but, too bad, he slacked on his magical training and everyone considered him to be possessed by evil spirits afterward. That's not true, though. The spirits aren't evil, just misunderstood.

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Appearance: Rshi is tall and lanky and dresses in baggy pants and loose fitting clothing/robes. He has a long dreadlock ponytail and short hair on the top of his head. He carries around a staff. Rshi has a generally dusty and dirty look to him with worn clothes.
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Abilities: Communication with willing spirits inlcuding animal spirits, ghosts, demons, and sometimes even gods. If the connection is especially good he can sometimes channel these entities or use powers they lend. At times he recieves snap visions which are rarely pleasant and usually kinda scary and vertigo inducing. His best affinity is with desert animals especially tarantulas, coyotes, and vultures. His personal favorite connection is with the spider.

Weapon: staff, though he much prefers to do everything peacefully.

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Connections: Rupal is Rshi's friend and partner in crime/world saving. They met in Sria City and realized they had a few things in common. Vigo is a pretty big problem. Amro is scary and to be avoided.

art by me:


guest art:

Sarah Petrulis:[1][2][3]

Johnny Clegg - Gumba Gumba Jive

"Si Jan Jan Si Jamboukan" & "Alinaume"

Vieux Farka Touré - Slow Jam
Adam Hurt - Flannery's Dream
Juluka - Inkunzi Ayihlabi Ngokumisa

Amadou & Mariam - Teree la Sebin